20019 NE 68th St., Vancouver, WA 98682

A Typical Day

HomeA Typical Day

A Typical Day at Camp Good Puppy

A typical day at dog daycare is filled with excitement, socialization, and activity, ensuring that our furry friends enjoy a stimulating environment while their owners are away

As dogs arrive in the morning, they are welcomed with friendly faces and eager tails, ready to engage in a variety of activities that cater to their physical and mental well-being. Throughout the day, pups participate in playgroups, interactive games, and soothing downtime, all supervised by trained staff who prioritize safety and friendliness.

With a focus on creating a positive atmosphere, the experience not only enriches their day but also fosters social skills and encourages healthy play habits. By the time their owners return, the dogs are typically tired but happy, having spent a fulfilling day in the company of their canine peers.

Read below to see what a Typical Day at Camp Good Puppy looks like for your dog or puppy.

Daycare A
Daycare C
Daycare D
Daycare F
Daycare G
Daycare A Daycare C Daycare D Daycare F Daycare G

Drop Off Routine & Hours

Our Day begins (Monday-Friday) at 6:00 when we get the boarding dogs up and outside. (Saturday/Sunday we start a little later) At 6:30 the gate opens and both daycare and boarding dogs start arriving.

*Playgroups are formed as dogs come in and groups are either rotated for walks out to our front fields, stay and play in the covered play pavilion, or play inside with one of us.

Our gates close promptly at 8:30 am so we have time to take all dogs out for one more walk before breakfast. Around 9:00 am, we head into the barn and dogs are put into kennels for breakfast.

A Well Rested Nap to Recharge

The morning nap is about 2 hours, so around 11:30 am we are getting the dogs up and back outside. We are again forming playgroups and taking the dogs for walks through the fields.

When the weather is nice, we bring out the pools for water play. We are outside rain or shine and even in the snow, constantly engaging the dogs and monitoring play. Anytime the dogs get wet we towel-dry them before they go in the kennel and prior to going home. We don’t groom/bathe but we do have an outside, warm-water wash area to hose off muddy dogs when needed.

Puppies & Older Dogs

Puppies, older dogs, and those needing a lunch or nap go in from 1-2. Around 3:30 we all head back in the barn for more play and quiet time. We have found dogs are calmer for pickup if they have time to rest and unwind before we open. Our gates open again from 4:30 – 6:30 pm.

Dog Boarding Dinner & Night Routine

At 5:00 pm, Boarding dogs are fed dinner and then nap until 7:00 pm Boarding dogs are back out between 7:00 – 9:00 pm. We go out for a walk and potty if it’s nice we will go to the front field, if not we stay in the play pavilion or in the barn.

On the weekend our days are pretty much the same with the exception of our gate times. (no daycare on the weekends)

*Playgroups are fluid, and most dogs will move into and out of a group multiple times during the day. Dogs are selected for a group based on their play style, temperament, age, confidence, maturity, and ability to play well with others in the group.

*Kennels are checked and cleaned each time the dogs go out. Freshwater bowls are placed each morning and clean food bowls are used at every meal. We feed your food according to your instructions, however; we may adjust the amount according to your dog’s activity.

The dogs are with us through all of our daily activities. They love to help spread mulch, fill holes, dig out blackberries, pull weeds, etc.